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Bessie WellerOct7Reading 2 BenchmarkOct7-11Oct. 7-11: Kindness Matters Kickoff Week!Oct8Reading 3 BenchmarkOct8Reading 4 BenchmarkOct8Reading 2 BenchmarkOct9Science 5 BenchmarkOct10Math 4 BenchmarkOct10Math 3 BenchmarkOct10Math 2 BenchmarkOct11Math 5 BenchmarkOct11End of 9 WeeksOct114th Grade Field Trip - Frontier Culture MuseumOct14No School - Teacher Workday/PL DayOct15BWES PTA Meeing in Cafeteria or Zoomhttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/88037633069?pwd=QmFrWVh5d3BZcUgwbFI0QnIzakFxdz09Oct185th Grade Field Trip to JMU